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Do you have questions on love, sex and relationships?

Visiting a clinic

How old do you have to be?

Depending on which country you live in, once you reach a certain age (16 in many countries), you have a right to treatment at any clinic and you don’t need any adult to accompany you or give you permission. This treatment may include HIV testing and contraception like the pill, an implant or injection. If you are underage, you still have the right to treatment, but you will need the consent of your parents or a guardian. They will have to go with you on the day.

As a patient at the clinic: You have the right to be respected and listened to by those who are providing a service. You have the right to treatment and medication.

But you also have responsibilities regarding your healthcare: If you are given medicine, it is your responsibility to take the right amount and at the right time. You must always remember to bring your clinic card with you. *Thank the staff when you have a good experience. Your kind words help them to continue in their work.

You are never too young to take control of your health. It makes you far smarter than friends who ignore health and especially sexual health issues and worries.

Your first stop is always your nearest clinic. You can find one by using the Tune Me Clinic Finder at the bottom of the page. Look out for mobile clinics visiting your area.


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