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MyStory: My dark skin haunts me

I tried everything

I was born dark-skinned in a house full of light-skinned people. I always felt left out and it hurt me. My siblings would throw it in my face that I am darker than them. They would tell me I was different and didn't belong to the family. They said I must have been given to the wrong family by mistake at the clinic.

I could never accepted who I was. I tried to bleach my skin for years. I used so many products but they never worked.

One day a guy in town sold me some pills. He told me that as soon as I took them, my skin would become lighter instantly. But I had an allergic reaction to the pills. I got very sick and ended up in the hospital.

Luckily I got help quickly. I’m better now and I am home with my family. But both my family and I got a shock. I’ve learnt that in life I don't need to look just like others in order to be pretty. I am learning to just be grateful of who I am - dark skin and all.

Sometimes it is easy to focus on a small characteristic you don’t like. But there are many versions of beauty. Try and see yourself as bigger than one feature. Focus on what make you special.

This story was written by Tune Me community member.


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