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MrRight: My New Year promise?

To keep the one I made to myself

Can you remember last year’s New Year's resolutions? I can't. Most of us forget our resolutions before the end of January.

So this year, my New Year's resolution is to STOP making New Year's resolutions! Instead, I’m starting a list of New Year’s Actions.

It will be a short list so that I achieve them more easily. It will include simple actions that make a big difference. It won’t depend on anybody else’s actions, or need anybody else’s permission or help to achieve.

It will go something like this:

  1. Protect my health.
  2. Eat well and exercise often.
  3. Save more money.
  4. Take care of friends.
  5. Read every day.

My list is my promise to myself to change my life by taking small steps towards my goals. What’s yours?

This is my New Year’s wish for all of you...

As couples, let’s resolve to treat each other with care at all times and to have healthy relationships. As families, let’s resolve to come together more often and guide each other more often. As a nation, let’s resolve to do our best.

Mr Right has a good idea: Resolve to take care of yourself, your health and your loved ones this new year.


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